Enniskillen Ladies Circle at Modern Tyres
Last week Modern Tyres held an information class at the Queen Elizabeth Road depot.

Enniskillen Ladies Circle joined Mickey Hoy, depot manager at Modern Tyres Queen Elizabeth Road, Enniskillen for an information evening on looking after your car and tyres.

With a series of bite sized lessons, the members from the Enniskillen Ladies circle learned how to change a spare tyre, check tyre tread depth, check the tyre pressure and monitor engine fluids.
The importance of wheel alignments was on the list too as this is often overlooked until, in most cases, the tyre damage has already been done.

The classes proved extremely helpful for one of the attendants who sent us a message a few days later with some pictures.
A little information can go a very long way! A big thanks to everyone who came along from the Enniskillen Ladies Circle and we are very much looking forward to the next one!